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About UpLevel

With over a decade of experience working with leaders of multinational companies, we have enabled organizations thrive by taking their  people, especially its leaders, to the next level of performance.

UpLevel is in the business of making your company extraordinary, by helping your people perform at their greatest potential. And it all starts with having a top-level mindset.

We come with an arsenal of resources to make that mindset transformation a no-brainer.

Through our simple yet powerful techniques, we guarantee you groundbreaking shifts that will get the people at your company performing at their greatest level in no time.

We are ready to start this journey with you.


Gain a new level of clarity without all the buzzwords & non-sense. Get insight into powerful techniques that guarantee that unshakable certainty on your goals, course of action and a holistic view into your daily performance.
We take the time to create a personalized plan that works towards your unique goals. We want to provide you with life-changing insights & resources that will make you stay on track in the longer-term.
We are 100% action-oriented because that’s where the true mindset transformation begins. We’ll guide you on aligning every action towards a real personal purpose. We will then equip you with the tools you need to overcome any challenges that might arise and measure your progress through our comprehensive weekly “FollowUP” plans.

Our Framework.


We will first provide you with straightforward yet powerful techniques to get a crystal clear picture of your goals and your perception about them.


After identifying your goals and their purpose, we will design a personalized success roadmap that guarantees your long term success and “FollowUP” plans to track your actions’ progress.


Starting is important but keeping focus is not as easy and this is where we come in. We will support you every step of the way through open, honest and consistent communication on your personalized UpLevel Development Dashboard where you will not only find our weekly sessions but also tools and material to keep you on track.

Meet Our Founder.

Carolina Venegas

Creator and CEO of UpLevel.

Caro, UpLevel’s founder, is a certified Psychologist and Coach with over fifteen years of experience in clinical psychology and over ten years of experience in the human resources field. As a human resources expert, she has worked at multinational companies such as Hewlett Packard, Prodigious and Mondelez. She has held roles as Trainer, HR and Employee Relations Manager, and Regional Lead of Workforce Transformation programs. She has developed curricula for leadership development, especially for young managers that are learning how to own that role for the first time. She has also created HR operational models based on agile methodologies such as Lean and Design Thinking.

As coach, she has worked as executive coach for organizations, helping leaders to excel at what they do while also advising on organizational restructures.

Caro lives in Alajuela, Costa Rica, with her long-time partner, eight cats (yes, eight cats) and her dog. If not working on Uplevel, Caro can be found cooking and baking all sort of vegan treats or trying to escape Alajuela’s hot weather taking trips to the mountains.

DIY on leadership growth doesn't cut it.

Too many organizations are taking a “do it yourself” approach to leadership development, which usually begins and ends with giving leaders access to a generic self-study resources. But what leaders really want is a personalized experience and the opportunity to learn from internal and external mentors and their fellow-leaders.

Evan Sinar, Ph.D., Chief Scientist and Vice President at DDI(Forbes, 2019)

6 Leadership Megatrends

Digital Reshapes the Workforce

Digitally advanced organizations and leaders are already outperforming their less technologically savvy peers, who risk being left behind, permanently.

Data’s Power Extends Beyond the Numbers

Data and analytics have heavy influence on business’ human side: inclusivity, agility, and fairness.

Culture Looms Crucial

Leadership strategies will fail without solid cultural cornerstones—clearly grasped and enlivened purpose, peer coaching, experimentation, psychological safety, and fully incorporated, diverse gender and generational views.


Leaders who stand (and learn) alone —lacking access to or eschewing coaching from peers and mentors, and failing to adopt a collective, team-centric view of leadership— won’t thrive in the workplace.

The Potential Pool Swells to a Lake

Organizations taking a broad view of potential—expanding their reach to activate and accelerate leadership talent—prove more financially successful, feature stronger top leaders, and employ more women at every leader level.

HR Navigates a Challenging Road Ahead

HR’s reputation as an Anticipator has taken a hit along with its declining rates of analytics success. Also, HR’s own digital readiness is lacking.

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