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General FAQ

Uplevel FAQ
  1. What is coaching? For us, coaching is the process through which a person wants to gain more fulfillment, satisfaction and purpose on a certain area of their life. Then, through the coaching process, that person will set up goals, an action plan, and will work to create the progress and breakthroughs to achieve long lasting transformation.
  2. What is the difference between coaching, therapy and mentoring? A Coach will work with you, so you set up goals and achieve the results you want. A mentor will teach you how to achieve those results based on his or her own experience. A Therapist will work on your deepest emotional layers and most of the work could be around traumas.
  3. What certifications do you have? Our staff has a master’s degree in Coaching with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) specialty, a license in Psychology, and is constantly learning new skills to be the best they can, and thus, be the best ones for you. For example, in 2019 we accomplished a certification as Knowledge Brokers from the Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi mastermind, that has prepared us to be the best at delivering online programs. We also have more than a decade of experience working at HR at multinational companies. Go to our About section to learn more.
  4. How does the coaching process look like? If you are an individual seeking life coaching, we set up an initial conversation to understand your goals for the process, we co-create an action plan, and a coach supports you through the process until you achieve your goals. If you are on a coaching program as part of the perks your company offers, we take into consideration your company´s needs and goals, your field, where you are and what you need to do to get to the next level. In both cases, we provide a personalized success roadmap for you.
  5. How do I know if I need a coach? If you want to take your career or life to the next level, and you had struggled with tapping into your full potential, then coaching is what you need.
  6. How do I know if I need coaching, or something else? If you are struggling with depression, anxiety, any kind of medical condition, or your mental and physical health are compromised at this moment, we encourage you to seek professionals at those areas first, or in parallel to working with use. Please understand that coaching is not and should never be a substitute to seeking professional help with a psychiatrist, psychologist or doctor.
  7. What kind of programs do you have? We have options for companies and individuals that are seeking for a coaching process on their own. Please go to our Services section to learn more about our current services portfolio.
  8. I am part of a company, what options do you have for companies? Most of our programs aimed for enterprises, so you are definitively at the right place! We have our UpLeaders Program with our two options of Leaders of Today (for your current management team) and Leaders of Tomorrow (for those soon to become managers). We also have our UpSkills Program for those that want to achieve their personal career goals and deal effectively with the demands and challenges of daily life. And we can support you on the decision-making process of hiring new leaders through our UpTalent Program, where we are an extra pair of eyes evaluating your candidates for those critical positions at your company. Please visit our Services section for more in depth information of each program.
  9. I am not part of a company; what kind of options do you have for me? You can be a leader without the need to be part of a corporation through our UpLeaders program or even develop proactively yours skills for your next role. We can also set you up with a life coaching process through our UpSkills Program.
  10. Do you provide therapy as part of your services? Although we have licensed psychologists on our staff, we are not offering therapy as part of our services.
  11. Do you offer seminars or conferences? We do not have that service as part of our core portfolio and UpLab is our offering to provide these online via a subscription, however send us an email to to better understand your need and come up with options for you.
  12. How do you deliver the sessions and services? All our services are provided virtually from beautiful Costa Rica. Even if you are in Costa Rica, we maintain our virtual approach as it's more convenient for everyone (hello, traffic jams!)
  13. What languages do you support? We have sessions available in English or Spanish.
  14. What makes you different from other coaches? We are action oriented, we work with personalized action plans only, and we have an amazing personalized dashboard to keep track of your results and assess your development every step of the way. And for companies, we offer access to the Site Leader and/or HR through our enterprise dashboard so you can see in real time, what we are doing and the ROI when working with us.
  15. Are you hiring? At this point we do not have any open positions.
If there is something that we have not covered yet, please send us a message to and we will be more than glad to provide you with any additional information you need.