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Do I have a future at this company? Do I have a career plan? Are the jobs available even appealing to me?

I bet those are questions that have popped up in your mind. The truth is that career growth is one of the top priorities for most professionals. Especially when they are trying to match their life goals with what their current jobs have to offer. 

But are you doing the right things to get you from where you are to where you want to be? Let’s take a look at what you are doing, and assess it against these common mistakes that can make your career get stuck in a rut.

You think career growth and career development are the same things.

Career growth is what most folks associate with advancing their professional lives: better title, a promotion, a bigger paycheck. And sure, that is great. But are you getting ready for it? We are talking about career development: assessing your current experience against that next position, and gaining new skills, experience, and exposure to get ready for that next professional step.

You think your great work is going to do all the selling for you

If you believe that working hard is the only presentation card you need, think again. Yes, doing an excellent job is a must to be considered for a better position, but you need to showcase your skills and results as well.

Do you feel uncomfortable thinking about doing this? You are not alone. Most professionals feel awkward when thinking about this, or trying to talk about their accomplishments.

But we have seen less than stellar professionals get those promotions (over their better-suited peers) because they can market their results effectively. Don’t let this happen for you.

You wait for your manager to create the career growth plan for you

Your manager should sponsor your career growth and should help you with your career development plan. But you are the owner of your professional life. Do not wait for someone else to take the lead on your professional development. No matter how amazing your manager is, he or she should never assume that responsibility for you. 

Do any of these mistakes resonate with what you are doing?

The good news is that if you just found out you were doing any of these, you can easily rectify the situation. And if you want extra support on your career path, you can reach us to start your Upskills Program with us. 

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